施工技术 2014年8月下 52 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第16期 D01:10.7672/sjs2014160052 冲击回波在孔道灌浆缺陷识别中 的频谱效应试验研究* 万利军1,单炜,张宏祥2,杨海林2 (1.东北林业大学寒区科学与工程研究院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040; 2.东北林业大学土木工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040) [摘要]针对冲击回波法管道缺陷检测仍不成熟的现状,为解决预应力孔道灌浆质量不易控制的问题,采用应力回 波法对预应力钢波纹管的灌浆缺陷进行系统性的试验,提出了缺陷下频谱图中的响应峰值识别的解释方法.结果 表明:灌浆饱满的模型厚度频率和实体板基本相同;缺陷的存在或灌浆液的强度不足均使主频向低频漂移;灌浆不 足的管道中,冲击点与缺陷的相对位置会对测试结果产生影响,冲击点正对缺陷时的响应频率要低且二者都低于 实体板的响应频率;孔道全空和全水的模型频率响应基本相同,由于缺陷位置较浅且尺寸较大,容易造成敲击表面 的弯曲振荡,波形相对发散. [关键词]混凝土;冲击回波法;孔道灌浆;模型试验;无损检测 [中图分类号]TU755.7 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)16-0052-04 Study on Spectrum Test About Defects Recognition in Duct Grouting Using Impact Echo Wan Lijun' Shan Wei Zhang Hongxiang? Yang Hailin? (1.Institute of Cold Regions Science and Engineering Northeast Forestry University Harbin Heilongjiang 150040 China 2.Department of Ciril Engineering Northeast Forestry University Harbin Heilongjiang 150040 China) Abstract:On the present situation that impact echo method was not immature for the pipeline defects test it was difficult to control the quality of prestressed duct grouting the stress echo method was carried out in systemic experiment of the prestressed steel pipe grouting.Interpretation method to recognize the response peak under the frequency spectrogram with defects was put forward.Results indicate that: frequency on the full grouting model was similar to the solid slab;defects or insufficient strength in grouts could make dominant frequency drifting to low frequency in the pipes lack of grouts the locati...