2012年12月下 施工技术 第41卷第379期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 33 北京电影学院摄影棚综合技术楼深基坑支护技术 张国晨,刘兴旺,王洋 (北京市机械施工有限公司,北京100037) [摘要]北京电影学院摄影棚综合技术楼深基坑工程采用土钉墙护坡桩预应力错杆的复合基坑支护形式.采 用桩间旋喷桩与护坡桩共同作用的止水帷幕来解决基坑地下水的影响.深基坑支护中铺杆的张拉力是控制支护 结构位移、保护基坑安全度的关键,设计时利用地勘报告中的参数预估,以现场试验数据来确定铺杆张拉力的大 小.根据旋喷桩工艺及技术参数试验,以试验确保旋喷桩的止水效果.采用经纬仪挑直线的方法测量基坑水平位 移,实测的变形数据均在规范允许范围内. [关键词]地下工程;深基坑;止水帷幕;旋喷桩:护坡桩;预应力错杆;土钉墙;监测 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)24-0033-03 Retaining Technology for the Deep Foundation Excavation of the Film Studio Main Building of Beijing Film Academy Zhang Guochen Liu Xingwang Wang Yang Beijing Mechanized Construction Co.lad.Beijing 100037 China) Abstract:Deep foundation excavation of the Film Studio Main building of Beijing Film Academy adopted a bined retaining method of soil nailing wall slope protection pile and prestressed anchor.Jet grouting pile and slope protection pile worked together as waterproofing curtain to solve the problem of ground water.In the deep foundation excavation retaining the tension force of the anchor is the key to control the displacement of the retaining structure and to ensure foundation excavation safety.During design the anchor's tension force was estimated based on parameters from geological exploration report and determined by on-site test.Based on construction technique and technical parameter testing of jet grouting pile water stop effect of the pile was ensured.The horizontal displacements were measured by theodolite and the measured displacements were wit...
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