2011年5月上 施工技术 第40卷第340期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 71 大型钢骨架埋件施工技术 黄晓霞,张乃华,陈敏 (南通新华建就集团有限公司,江苏通州226300) [要]某工程设计吾求主体构施工时,框架柱一肢内预理型钢骨架懂件,型钢骨架懂件处在层框结构 中部,形成邮的型铜混凝士结构,以此增强整个框架体系刚度,夹展铜梁与型铜骨件为刚性接.重点介 了型钢骨架埋件就,框博柱的纵向铜筋、温筋容装,棋板施工,混凝土的堂等喜个施工环节的施工方法. [关键词]型铜香架:埋件:刚性连 [中密分类号]TU758.16 [立战标积弱]A [交章编号]1002-8498(2011)09-0071-02 Construction Technology of Large Profiled-steel Embedded Parts Huang Xiaoxia Zhang Naihua Chen Min Xinhua Construction Group Co.Ltd.Tongzhou Jiangsu 226300 China) Abstract:The design of some building engineering requires that when the profiled-steel embedded parts need to be embedded in the frame column-short-eg shear wall during the main body construction the profiled-steel embedded parts should locate in the middle frame structure of each floor to form the local profiled-steel concrete structure.The design method makes the steel beam and the embedded parts as rigid connection so the rigid of the integrate frame system is strengthened.The authors mainly show the construction methods of the location of profiled-steel embedded parts installation of the steel bar formwork construction and concrete pouring. Key words:profiled-steel skeleton:embedded part:rigid connection 1工程概况 8X200=1600 I300×300×10×15 1-14 某工程总建就面积约16.2万m2.其中A座为 框架-剪力墙结构,约3.6万m2 共18层,设计为 -200X25 Lft户型,夹层楼板为钢梁一混避土含楼面,层高 AM19X90栓焊钉 400400 埋件平面 5.5m 框架柱截面尺寸800mmx800mm 短肢楼截 b1-1 800 1600 面尺寸为400mm×1600mm 型钢埋件外形尺寸:横 H300×300×10×15 -20025 向为200mm×400mm×2000mm 纵向300mm× =14 300mm×1400mm 埋件单体质量约为975kg 埋件 -20025 1...
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