施工技术 2017年6月上 94 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第11期 D0I:10.7672/5j52017110094 大断面矩形顶管人工-自动结合注浆减摩效果分析* 潘尚昆,刘勇1,徐连刚2 (1.南京市市政工程质量安全监督站,江苏南京210036:2.上海隧道工程股份有限公司,上海200090) [摘要]结合南京市某地下过街通道工程矩形顶管施工的实际,对顶管施工过程中的注浆工艺和注浆系统进行创 新—一人工注浆与自动注浆相结合.通过对比两种注浆工艺的压浆压力曲线、摩阻效果评价等工作,验证了人工- 自动结合注浆的优良效果,并对系统下一步改进提出了建议,旨在促进大断面矩形顶管注浆施工工艺向精细化、自 动化方向发展,提高矩形顶管施工过程中的注浆效果,减少地下顶管施工对周边环境的影响. [关键词]地下通道;矩形顶管;人工自动结合注浆;地面沉降;自动注浆系统;施工技术 [中图分类号]U455[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)11-0094-04 A Case Analysis of Artificial Automatic Slurry Injection to Reduce Friction During Large-section Pipe-jacking Operation PAN Shangkun' LIU Yong' XU Lian'gang (1.Nanjing Municipal Engineering Quality and Safety Superrision Station Nanjing Jiangsu 210036 China; 2.Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co.Ld.Shanghai 200090 China) Abstract:In this paper the authors develop an new grouting technology namely automatic slurry injection bined with manual grouting based on an underground pipe jacking engineering in Nanjing. By parison of the two curves grouting pressure and the friction effect evaluation work the authors verify the manual-automatic binding effect and make remendations for grouting system.The work aims at promoting large section rectangular pipe-jacking makes it slurry to the fine and automation raising the effect of rectangular pipe-jacking process grouting and reducing the impact of underground pipe jacking on the surrounding environment. Key words:underground passage;rectangular pipe jacking;artificial automatic slurry in...
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