2011年2月 施工技术 第40卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 大跨度空间结构健康监测应用研究 张其林,陈鲁2,朱丙虎,李大林 (1.同济大学土木工程学院,上海200092:2.上海同济建设工程质量检测站,上海200092) [摘要]重点介绍大跨度结构健康监测用传感器系统的应用和研究现状.提出大跨度空间结构健康监测的方法与 原理,并结合工程实例对各种监测方法进行说明.分别对钢构件,索、膜面应力情况和焊接裂纹进行监测,并得出 相应监测结果.最后研究了大跨度钢结构的风荷载效应监测、风压和风振监测.介绍相关的传感器原理技术和工 程应用,并提出有待研究的若干问题. 【关键词]大跨度空间结构;健康监测;应用研究 [中图分类号]TU391 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)04-0003-06 Application and Research of Health Monitoring in Large Span Spatial Structure Zhang Qilin' Chen Lu? Zhu Binghu' Li Dalin' (1.School of Civil Engineering.Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China: 2.Shanghai Tongji Construction Qualiry Inspection Station Shanghai 200092.China) Abstract:The application and research status of the health monitoring sensors in large span spatial structure are introduced emphatically.The method and principle of health monitoring for large span spatial structure are put forward.Then bined with the engineering practice the method of health monitoring is illustrated.Some ponents stress of the steel structure are monitored such as steel members cable membrane surface etc.Then the welding cracks are monitored.The monitoring results are obtained finally.The health monitoring about wind effect wind pressure and wind-induced vibration of the large span spatial structures are researched.The monitoring items corresponding sensors and methods as well as some engineering applications are presented.The further problems to be investigated and solved are listed. Key words:large span spatial stru...
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