施工技术 2017年9月下 26 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第18期 D0I:10.7672/5j52017180026 安顺市体育中心体育场大跨度悬挑结构 卸载方案研究 王泽曦12,罗杰2,肖建春2,马克俭2 (1.成都基准方中建筑设计有限公司贵阳分公司,贵州责阳550001; 2.贵州大学空间结构研究中心,贵州贵阳550003) [摘要]采用SAP2000结构分析软件对安顺体育中心体育场大跨度悬挑结构进行模拟和分析,得到不同的卸载方 案对卸载过程和卸载完毕后屋盖杆件及屋盖施工的影响结果.对比卸载过程中和卸载完毕后最大卸载位移量、最 大反力及卸载完毕状态与设计状态应力比,分析较为合理的卸载方案. [关键词]钢结构;屋盖;卸载;有限元分析;施工方案 [中图分类号]TU398 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2017)18-0026-04 Research on Unloading Scheme for the Large Span Cantilever Structure of Anshun Sports Center Stadium WANG Zexi.2 LUO Jie2 XIAO Jianchun2 MA Kejian2 (1.Chengdu JZFZ Architectural Design Co.Ltd.Guiyang Branch Guiyang Guizhou 550001 China; 2.Space Structure Research Center of Guizhou Unirersity Guiyang Guizhou 550003 China) Abstract:The large-span cantilever structure of Anshun Sports Center Stadium in Anshun is simulated and analyzed by SAP2000 structure analysis software.The influence of different unloading schemes on the roof bars and construction which is in the unloading process and after unloading pletion is obtained. The reasonable scheme of unloading sequence which is got through paring the maximum unloading displacement maximum counter-force in the unloading process and after unloading pletion and the stress ratio between the unloaded state and the design state. Key words:steel structures;roofs;unloading;finite element analysis:construction schemes 1工程概况 安顺市体育中心大跨度钢结构体育场为管桁 架结构,宽200m 长250m.屋盖采用折板型悬挑空 间桁架结构体系,由80主桁架和9环向次桁架 组成.主桁架最小悬挑长度为19m 最大悬挑长度 为39m 主桁架中间高、两边低,高差为23m 最高点...