2013年4月下 施工技术 第42卷第8期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 79 D01:10.7672/sgj82013080079 滨海浅滩地区土岩组合地层深大基坑支护技术 田仕文,周长海,赵鹏 (青岛高新区投资开发集团有限公司,山东青岛266000) [摘要]青岛高新区全地下污水处理厂基坑支护工程,具有基坑开挖深、面积大,地下水位高,地层土质差,中粗砂 层厚等特点,采用上部吹填淤泥层放坡、下部在前排桩后增加少量后排桩,形成双排灌注桩加错杆支护的综合支护 形式.重点介绍了基坑支护方案,通过现场基坑监测数据分析及工程实践效果,表明支护方案的合理可靠性. 【关键词]基坑:滨海地区;支护;桩;监测 [中图分类号]TU753.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)08-0079-03 Support Technology for Deep and Large Foundation Excavation in the Soil and Rock Strata of Coastal Shallows Area Tian Shiwen Zhou Changhai Zhao Peng Qingdao High-tech Investment Development Group Co.Ltd.Qingdao Shandong 266000.China) Abstract:The foundation excavation support for the underground sewage treatment plant in Qingdao high- tech district was featured by deep foundation excavation large area high water lever poor soil strata thick coarse sand layer etc.A prehensive support system of double-row bored piles plus anchor was adopted whose upper part was slopes with reclamation silt and in the lower part and some back piles were added behind the front piles.The support scheme is introduced in detail.The monitoring data and practice proved that the support scheme was reliable and reasonable. Key words:foundation excavation coastal area;supports;piles;monitoring 0引言 ×204m 开挖深度约13.0m 局部达14m. 青岛国家高新区濒临黄海,地处胶州湾底部,1.1地形、地貌 场区地貌为滨海浅滩,后经人工吹、回填改造形成 地形:总体较为平坦,局部为虾池、盐池,泥面 现状地貌.地层主要为回填料、淤泥质粉质黏土,标高约1.0~2.5m 东侧及南侧积水,水面标高约 间或有海相沉积砂层出现.软土分布广泛、厚度 2.0m;地貌:场区原地貌为滨海浅滩,后经人工回填 大、土质差、地下水位高、地质条件复杂,为工程基 改造形成现状地貌. 坑支护带来了其特殊性.虽然滨海浅滩土岩...