2011年6月上 施工技术 第40卷第342期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 23 玻化微珠保温砂浆发泡技术及其机械喷涂的应用 杨卓强,李珠,赵林,刘永民2 (1.太原理工大学建筑与土木工租学院,山西太原030024;2.大原思科达科技发展有展公司,山西大原030006) [摘要]针对目前玻化珠保温砂浆导热系数偏高而无法突破的技术瓶颈,研究了一项玻化微珠保温砂浆发泡技 术,该技术能降低保温砂浆终凝后的导热系数,井使其强度只有小幅衰减,满足使用要求.改进喷涂发泡机械,使 机械喷漆玻化微珠保温砂浆能够得到广泛应用.针对改进后的喷涂发泡机械,提出了一套施工工艺流程,实践证 明其在施工操作中简单可行,施工效率高. [关键词]玻化微珠保温砂浆;发泡剂;导热系数;喷涂发泡机械 【中图分类号]TU526.82 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)11-0023-03 Foaming Technology of Vitrified Microsphere Insulation Mortar and Its Application for Mechanical Spraying Yang Zhuoqiang' Li Zhu' Zhao Lin' Liu Yongmin2 (1.College of Architecture and Civil Engineering Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan Shanxi 030024 China; 2.Taiyuan Sikeda Science Technology Development Co.Lad.Taiyuan Shanxi 030006.China) Abstract:Most insulation mortar has relative higher thermal conductivity and is hard to break through.To solve this problem a new foaming technology for vitrified microsphere insulation mortar is discussed. This new technology can reduce the thermal conductivity largely however slightly decrease the strength to satisfy the usage requirement.A spray machine of mortar foaming is also developed for construction.The use of spray technology can increase the strength of the mortar final setting and widen the application field.A construction process for the spray foaming machine is put forward and confirmed by practice.The spray foaming machine is easy to operate and has a higher efficiency. Key words:vitrified microsphere insulation mortar;foami...
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