施工技术 2010年7月 56 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第7期 薄壁箱形加肋结构制作与组对工艺 石亮,高瑞力,张慧池,刘传辉,顾天宝 (海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300452) [摘要]以600龙门起重机主梁为例,闸述了薄壁箱形结构的特点和制作工艺流程,详细介绍了预制和拼接组对过 程,并对焊接变形、保证T形梁组对精度及下底板就位困难等问题采取了有效的措施.在空间组对过程中,采用斜 胎架建造的方法保证了各个箱体的制作精度,同时借助马排与铁结合的方法防止侧板在组对时发生变形,在顶 板及底板组对过程中使用了加减丝以提高组对精度. [关键词]箱形梁;薄壁结构;焊接变形;胎架 [中图分类号]TU758.16 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)07-0056-03 Manufacture and Assembly Technique of Stiffened Thin-walled Box-shaped Structure Shi Liang Gao Ruili Zhang Huichi Liu Chuanhui Gu Tianbao Offshore Oil Engineering Co.Ltd.Tianjin 300452 China) Abstract:Taking a main girder of 600t gantry crane for example the authors expound characteristics and manufacture process of the stiffened thin-walled box-shaped structure and introduce prefabricate and assembly process in detail.Effective measures are adopted to solve problems such as welding deformation precision of T-shaped beam assembly and hard emplacement.Diagonal tension bed is used to ensure the manufacturing precision of boxes in space assembly.Meantime bination method of support and iron wedge is adopted to prevent the side plate deformation and a adjusted support is used to improve the assembly precision. Key words:box girder;thin-walled structure;welding deformation tension bed 1工程概况 前板 某600t龙门起重机主梁采用梯形双梁结构,梁高 9000mm 上翼缘板宽4000mm 下翼缘板宽2500mm 跨度为130m 整个主梁沿长度方向分为若干段.为减 轻自重,顶板、底板及侧板在长度和高度方向采用不同 厚度板,侧板最大板厚为22mm 最小板厚为14mm 高 侧板 度方向每隔700mm布置一档球扁钢,属于典型的薄壁 加肋结构.为避免采用厚板而引起的板材本身的质量 底板 缺陷,采用两块不同板厚的钢板复合而成,典型结构如 围1主梁箱形结构示意 图1所示. Fl...