2014年6月上 施工技术 第43卷第11期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 115 D0I:10.7672/5j52014110115 超深基坑大深度入岩地下连续墙施工技术 翁厚洋,刘凤华1,马西峰2 (1.宏润建设集团股份有限公司,上海200235;2.南京地铁建设有限责任公司,江苏南京210017) [摘要]南京地铁3号线某中间风井超深基坑,地下连续墙深44.2m 嵌人中风化硬岩达10~13m 介绍了超深基坑 大深度入岩地下连续墙的关键施工技术.施工实践表明,冲抓结合法有效解决了大深度入岩地下连续墙成槽问 题:钢筋笼采用一次制作成型、分段吊装空中连接降低了吊装难度和风险;水泥土搅拌桩加固较厚软弱土层防止槽 壁长时间暴露坍孔问题;刚性止水接头加焊止浆板防止混凝土绕流等措施,结果表明墙体质量,垂直度和止水效果 均满足设计要求,保证了超深基坑的安全顺利开挖. [关键词]基坑;地下连续墙:冲抓结合;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)11-0115-04 Construction Technology for Super-deep and Rock-socketed Diaphragm Wall of Ultra-deep Foundation Excavation Weng Houyang' Liu Fenghua' Ma Xifeng (1.Hongrun Construction Group Co.Lad.Shanghai 200235 China; 2.Nanjing Metro Construction Co. Lad.Nanjing Jiangsu 210017 China) Abstract:For the ultra-deep foundation excavation of one middle shaft of Nanjing Metro Line 3 the depth of diaphragm wall is 44.2m which embeds the weathered hard rock in 10~13m this paper introduces the key construction technology for large depth rock entering diaphragm wall of ultra-deep foundation excavation.Engineering practice shows that drill-grab bination can solve the trenching of large depth rock entering diaphragm wall effectively;the steel reinforcement cage is once-for-all formed segment hoisted thus reduces the hoisting difficulty and risk;cement mixing pile strengthening the thick soft soil layer prevents the hole collapse due to long time exposure of slot wall;the rigid water stopping joint with weld pulp board can prevent burble...
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