2012年1月下 施工技术 第41卷第357期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 89 超薄石材饰面保温装饰板施工技术 梅江涛,李海洋,汪仲琦 (中建八局第三建设有限公司,江苏南京210046) [摘要]结合周口市中心医院老病房楼改造工程外墙保温装饰工程,采用工厂化预制生产的超薄型石材饰面保温 板系统,通过粘锚结合方式固定于外墙墙面上.详细介绍该保温装饰外墙的基本构造和施工方法.结果证明,该 方法具有施工方便且速度快,经济寿命长,立面装饰效果好等特点.应用该外墙外保温技术达到节能要求,具有较 好的经济效益和社会效益. [关键词]装饰工程;石材饰面;保温板;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU564.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)02-0089-03 Construction of Super-thin Insulation and Decorative Board Faced with Stone Mei Jiangtao Li Haiyang Wang Zhongqi The Third Construction Co.Lad.of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Nanjing Jiangsu 210046 China) Abstract:Based on external wall insulation and decoration project of Central Hospital reconstruction project in Zhoukou He'nan precasting super-thin insulation and decorative board system faced with stone is adopted.The insulation board system is fixed on the external wall by pasting and anchor method. Basic structure and construction method are introduced in detail.The result shows that precasting super- thin insulation and decorative board system faced with stone has the characteristics of convenient and fast construction long service life and good decorative effect.The energy-saving effect is good and good social and economic benefit is obtained. Key words:decoration;stone facing;insulation board;construction 1工程概况 粘为辅,粘挂结合的方式安装.外装饰面板通过预 河南省周口市中心医院老病房楼改造工程为 埋锚栓或金属预埋挂件及可调式连接件与墙体结 砖混结构,地上8层,建筑总高度33.6m 总建筑面 构连接,同时外墙保温装饰板与底层的黏结砂浆贴 积15500m2.该办公楼一层外墙采用超薄石材(面在墙体表面.将外墙保温装饰板牢牢固定在基层 层为花岗岩)饰面保温装饰板,其规格为600mm× 墙体,改变了传统施工方法中饰...
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- 《超高性能混凝土装配式保温装饰一体化外围护结构技术规程》(征求意见稿).docx
- 中建 保温装饰一体板施工方案.zip