2013年3月上 施工技术 第42卷第5期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 25 D0I:10.7672//sgj82013050025 超长悬挑支撑架的应用研究* 刘凤云,杨建华,汪杰,胡长明 (西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,映西西安710055) [摘要]结合某工程,对大跨度型钢悬挑梁的计算进行了分析,特别是钢丝绳对悬挑梁作用力的简化.大跨度型钢 悬挑支撑架主要有3种:斜拉式、斜撑式和撑拉结合式.所介绍工程是混凝土现浇悬挑屋盖,荷载较大,工期紧,考 虑到工期和经济性,该工程采用的是斜拉式型钢悬挑支撑架,3道钢丝绳斜拉,2道受力,1道保险.重点解决了钢 丝绳的作用力简化为弹性支座的问题,以及弹性支座刚度的计算. [关键词]模板;脚手架;悬挑梁;钢丝绳;弹性支座 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2013)05-0025-03 Study on Application of Long Cantilever Support Frame Liu Fengyun Yang Jianhua Wang Jie Hu Changming (School of Civil Engineering Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Xi'an Shaanxi 710055 China) Abstract:Setting with a project the paper focuses on calculation of the large span steel cantilever beam especially the simply of cable forces.Large span steel cantilever beam is mainly in three forms:cable- stayed bracing and brace pull bination.The background engineering of this correspondence is a cast- in-place concrete cantilevered roof.Considering the heavy load tight construction period duration and economic problems the cable-stayed form is adopted.This form is posed of three wire ropes two of which is used for load-carrying and the left one is used for insurance.The paper pay attention to the simply of cable forces as a elastic support and give the calculation of elastic stiffness. Key words:formwork;scaffolds;cantilever beams;steel cables;elastic supports 随着我国经济的蓬勃发展,大跨度多功能建筑要,需搭设跨度为4.5~5m的悬挑施工外架,因其 越来越受青睐,模板支撑体系作为建筑业施工的重悬挑结构施工荷载大,悬挑支撑结构较为复杂,其 要环节,显得越来越重要.武雷等在文献[1]中...
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