2011年4月下 施工技术 第40卷第339期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 63 U型玻璃幕墙在某工程中的应用 肖磊,何巍,周励强2,鲁猛3 (1.北京城建九建设工程有限公司,北京100039:2.南海发展股份有限公司,香港; 3 华润置地(北京)股份有限公司,北京100035) [摘要】U型玻璃其以自身质量轻,安装及施工方便,不但减轻了建筑结构的自重,且省去了内外墙的装修做法,从 而大大降低了工程造价.某工程外墙采用双层U型玻璃墙体,两层U型玻璃间的空气层具有隔声、隔热等节能作 用.U型玻璃本身具有较高的机械强度,对于中高层建筑的墙体可以起到良好的安全保护作用.U型玻璃抗酸、 碱和高湿度作用性能稳定.U型玻璃多用于建筑的非承重外墙、建筑装饰室内隔墙、屋面及窗等.作为墙体或屋 面材料,可以垂直、斜坡、单排或双排安装,可大量增加采光面积,具有装饰性和结构性等多种功能,是一种多用途 的建筑构件. [关键词]U型玻璃;节能;环保;隔热;隔声 [中图分类号]TU767.6 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)08-0063-03 Application of U Shape Glass Curtain Wall in Engineering Xiao Lei' He Wei' Zhou Liqiang Lu Meng' (1.No.9 Construction Engineering Co.Ltd.of BUGG Bejing 100039 China; 2.Nanhai Development Co.Lid.Hong Kong China;3.Huarun Real Estate Co.Lad.in Beijing Bejing 100035 China) Abstract:U shape glass has light weight and it is convenience for installation and construction.So it can save the engineering cost through reducing the structural weight without decoration on the wall.Double U shape glass external wall is adopted in a project and the air between two layers can insulate noise and heat.The U shape glass can protect the safety of high-rise building walls because of its good mechanical performance.In addition the glass has stable performance on resist acid alkali and high humidity.U shape glass is often used as non-bearing external wall indoor partition wall floor and window of building.As a wall or floor U shape glass can be installed at vertical slope single row or double row and it can greatly inc...
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