2010年9月 施工技术 第39卷第9期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 121 刚-柔性桩复合地基技术规程》JGJ/T210-2010 编制与说明 龚晓南,朱奎2,钱力航3,宋振3 (1 粥注大学建工程学院,新江杭州310027:2.温州东建设集团有限公司,粥江温州325000: 3 中国建筑科学研完院,北京100031) [描要]刚-柔性夏地基技术规程》JGJ/T2102010将于2010年9月1口实施.刚-柔性含地基指由天然 地基土和增强体两部分组成的人工地基,规程的主要内容包括则、术语和符号、基本规定、设计、施工和质量检 测.规程具体规定了不同型性的这用条件,定义了单裤承载力特征、地基承戴力消拉值、直令土层压 量等指标. [关键词]刚-荣性爱舍地基:设计:施工:检测 [中图分类号]TU473.1 [交献标识]A [交章编号]1002-8498(2010)09-0121-04 Compilation and Explanation of Technical Specification for Rigid-flexible Pile Composite Foundation JGJ/T210-2010 Gong Xiaonan' Zhu Kui Qian Lihang' Song Zhen (1.College of Ciril Engineering and Architecture Zhejiang Unirersity Hangzhou Zhejiang 310027 China: 2.Wenzhou Dongou Construction Group Co.Ltd.Wenzhou Zhejiang 325000 China: 3.China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100031 China) Abstract:Technical Specification for Rigid-flexible Pile Composite Foundation JGJ/T210-2010 will implement at September 1 2010.The rigid-flexible pile posite foundation is defined as natural soil pounding with reinforced body.The specification mainly includes general rules terminology and symbols basic regulation design construction and quality inspection.Furthermore applying conditions of different rigid piles are prescribed.Moreover characteristic value of single pile characteristic value of subgrade bearing capacity and pressing value of pound soil are defined. Key words:rigid-flexible pile posite foundation:design:construction:inspection 根据佳房和城乡建设部公告第542雾,《刚-柔性制桩和钢管桩等.柔性桩包括水...
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