施工技术 2010年8月 148 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第8期 倒装提升施工技术在拱形网壳工程中的应用 张一萍,郭元科,庞永锋 (陕西省机械施工公司,陕西西安710032) [摘要]中国铝业重庆80万:氧化铝项目原燃料准场上部采用拱形网架结构,腾度大、纵向长度大.根据工程特 点,选用拱形网架倒装提升技术施工,由拱顶开始起拼提升,并依次向两侧延伸安装,中部拱顶逐渐抬高,直至网架 设计标高.重点介绍了划分网架单元网架安装、提升等工艺.指出以格构式提升装置为主,门架式提升装置为辅, 网架完成拼装,支座固定前必须调整.该工艺取得了良好的经济、社会效益. [关键词]拱形网壳;倒装提升;施工工艺 [中图分类号]TU758.15【文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)08-0148-02 Application of Inverted Hoisting Construction Technology in Arced Grid Engineering Zhang Yiping Guo Yuanke Pang Yongfeng Shaanxi Mechanized Construction Co.Xi'an Shaanxi 710032 China) Abstract:Arced grid structure is adopted in fuel yard engineering of Chongging Branch of CHALCO which has large span and longitudinal length.According to the engineering characteristics inverted hoisting construction technology is used for arced grid.It is assembled and hoisted from vault installed extensively to two sides and the middle vault is gradually elevated meantime to design elevation of grid. The grid element division installation and hoisting of grid are introduced in detail.It is pointed out that during hoisting lattice apparatus is main hoisting device and door frame type apparatus is auxiliary. Besides grid must be adjusted after assembly and before bearing fixation.This technology has gained excellent economical and social effects. Key words:arced grid;inverted hoisting;construction technology 1工程概况 工场地条件差,工期短,该方案予以排除.②脚手架累 中国铝业重庆8万氧化铝项目原燃料堆场上积滑移法利用脚手架作为载体,高空散装完成部分 部网壳工程为正放四角锥螺栓球节点网壳,跨度跨度后进行滑移.脚手架费用较低.但该工艺对场 110m 长度23...