2015年2月下 施工技术 第44卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 57 D0I:10.7672/5js2015040057 北京地区农宅抗震加固措施经济造价分析* 王满生,胡亮霞 (北京市房地产科学技术研究所,北京100021) [摘要]为了解北京地区既有农村住宅抗震加固改造措施的经济指标,以北京大兴区和顺义区抗震加固改造过程 中的4个试点工程为例,比较分析了不同结构类型、不同砌筑材料、不同户型布置的农村住宅抗震加固措施的单位 面积造价、不同部位加固措施造价占抗震加固的总造价中的比例.同时分析了山墙和前纵墙等农宅抗震薄弱部位 的加周措施费用、主要加固措施的费用比较分析等.全面了解了农宅抗震加固中提出的抗震加周措施的经济造 价,从工程造价的角度分析比较了各种加固措施的优劣. [关键词]农宅结构:抗震;加固;工程造价:经济分析 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)04-0057-04 Research to Aseismic Strengthening Economic Cost of Rural Structures in Beijing Wang Mansheng Hu Liangxia Beijing Institute of Real Estate Science and Technology Beijing 100021 China) Abstract:In order to know the economic indicators of the aseismic strengthening measures on rural residential building in Beijing in this paper the aseismic strengthening measures of four pilot projects in Beijing Daxing District and Shunyi District are analyzed in economic indicators.A parative analysis of the unit area construction cost of the reinforcement measures under different structure types different masonry materials different apartment layout rural buildings are paratively analyzed and the proportion of the construction cost of reinforcement measures on different structural parts in total aseismic reinforcement cost are analyzed.At same time the reinforcement cost of aseismic weak parts including gable wall and front longitudinal wall are paratively analyzed and the cost of main reinforcement measures are paratively analyzed.The construction cos...