施工技术 2016年4月下 72 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第8期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016080072 大悬挑曲面空间网格结构液压同步提升施工技术 马张永,徐子涵2,吴小燕 (1.甘肃建投钢结构有限公司,甘肃兰州730060;2.兰州新区城市发展投资有限公司,甘肃兰州730060) [摘要]兰州中川机场二期航站楼钢结构屋盖为曲面空间网格结构,采用分块液压同步提升技术.结构提升分块、 临时提升点的设计、原结构复核、提升支架的设计、楼面加固措施和大悬挑曲面网格结构的提升等是研究的主要内 容.结合工程实际,利用MIDAS/Gen7.8O有限元分析软件,首次采用部分条随结构提升以平衡悬挑端变形,利 用实用新型专利——钢绞线限位装置保证提升过程的安全,提升过程中设置导链防止结构倾覆等一系列的措施, 成功实现了大悬挑曲面空间网格结构的液压同步提升. [关键词]钢结构;曲面;空间网格;液压同步提升;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2016)08-0072-04 Hydraulic Synchronous Lifting Technology of the Large Cantilever Curved Space Lattice Structure Ma Zhangyong' Xu Zihan2 Wu Xiaoyan' (1.Gansu Building Inrestment Steel Structure Co.Ltd.Lanzhou Gansu 730060 China; 2.Lanzhou New District City Derelopment Inrestment Co.Ld.Lanzhou Gansu 730060 China) Abstract:The steel roof of Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport second period terminal project is curved space lattice structure which applies partitioned hydraulic synchronous lifting technology.This paper mainly focuses on partition of lifting structure design of the temporary lifting points recheck of primary structure design of lifting support frame strengthening measures of the floor and lifting of the large cantilever curved space lattice structure.Based on practical engineering using FEM software MIDAS/ Gen7.80 a series of measures were taken as follows:purline was used to balance the deformation of cantilever terminal a utility model patent was adopted to ensure the safety of lifting procedure the reversible chain wa...