施工技术 "2013年1月下 54 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第2期 大直径预应力筒仓滑模施工技术 倪时华,胡庆刚,王振辉,康西伟 (中煤建安公司第七十三工程处,河北邯郸056106) [摘要]随着我国煤炭工业的飞速发展,大直径筒仓设计不断更新,在高、大、难、险上给施工单位提出了新的挑战, 需要攻克众多施工难题.重介绍了大直径预应力筒仓滑模施工技术的改进和创新,该技术针对仓顶锥壳施工荷 载重、平台跨度大、支撑系统挠度不宜控制的特点,为安全、有效地利用滑模平台作为仓顶锥壳施工的支撑系统,对 原有滑模工艺进行了改进、优化、提高.通过相关力学计算,结合取得的经济效益和社会效益,按照此方案施工能 有效降低成本、缩短工期. [关键词]筒仓;滑模;锥壳;脚手架;预应力;钢绞线 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)02-0054-04 Construction of Large-diameter Prestressed Silos Using Sliding Formwork Ni Shihua Hu Qinggang Wang Zhenhui Kang Xiwei China Coal Jian'an Co.73th Engineering Department Handan Hebei 056106 China) Abstract:With the rapid development of the coal industry design of large-diameter silo keeps being updated which imposes many challenges for the construction panies.This paper introduced advancements and innovations to traditional sliding formwork construction technology to suit the requirement of large-diameter pre-stressed silos.Large diameter silos are featured with heavy loads on the conical roof of the silos large platform span and difficulty to control support system deflection.The new technology was developed with respect to these features and made revisions or optimizations to the original sliding construction technology so that the sliding platform can be safely and effectively used as the support system for the construction of the conical roof of the silo.The proposed design passed mechanical calculation.It is shown that this technology can gain good social and economic b...