施工技术 2011年8月上 30 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第346期 大跨度转换钢桁架预压施工与监测技术 罗逸清,曾强2,姚刚1,钟鸣2,邓祖祥2,程翼2 (1.重庆大学土木工程学院,重庆400045;2.重庆建工集团股份有限公司,重庆401122) [摘要]现代大型公共建筑为了实现使用功能的转换,常通过设计转换层来达到这一目的,钢桁架转换就是其一, 而在上部结构荷载作用下,如何保持转换钢桁架处于水平,以达到与其连接的楼板水平,柱垂直,是解决这一难题 的关键.通过深人研究和多方案的比较,提出了预压施工法.工程实例证明,预压施工法具有降低工程成本、施工 简便、加卸载过程易于控制等优点,具有较好的经济效益和社会效益. [关键词]钢结构;转换桁架;预压施工;变形监测 [中图分类号]TU745.2;TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)15-0030-04 Monitoring Technique and Preloading Construction of Large-span Steel Transfer Truss Luo Yiqing' Zeng Qiang2 Yao Gang' Zhong Ming? Deng Zuxiang2 Cheng Yi2 (1.School of Civil Engineering Chongging University Chongging 400045 China; 2.Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co.Ltd.Chongqing 401122 China) Abstract:To achieve the translation of working function in modern large public building transfer layer is used usually and steel transfer truss is one.Under the upper structure's loading it is the key problem that how to keep the steel transfer truss balance to keep the connecting floor in level and the column in vertical.By paring with some construction schemes the preloading method is put forward.The practice engineering shows that the method has some advantages of lowering engineering cost simple construction and easy controlling loading and unloading process and has good economical and social benefit. Key words:steel structure;transfer truss;preloading construction;deformation monitoring 1工程概况 柱,上弦与组合楼板相连,下弦刚接于钢次梁,形成 重庆国泰艺术中心工程总建筑面积约稳定的空间受力体系. 30000m2 建筑功能分为大戏院和美...
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