2015年1月上 施工技术 第44卷第1期 CONSTRUCTIONTECHNOLOGY 99 DOI:10. 7672/sgjs2015010099 层间错动带对导流隧洞围岩稳定性影响研究* 刘强'²,吴文兵²,段隆臣²,符文"2 (1.中国地质大学岩土钻据与防护教育部工程研究中心,湖北武汉430074; 2.中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院,湖北武汉430074) [摘要]层间错动带是影响导流隧洞围岩稳定性的主要地质构造之一,研究层间错动带在导流隧洞不同部位出露 时对导流隧洞开挖后的稳定性及支护参数选取的影响具有相当重要的工程意义。
基于FLAC3D软件,采用数值分 析方法模拟了层间错动带分别在导流隧洞不同部位出露时,导流隧洞围岩稳定性的情况。
结果表明,当层间错动 带在起拱线以上到拱顶之间出露时,对导流隧洞围岩稳定性影响最大。
随后,针对层间错动带给出的支护方式及 支护参数进行数值分析,论证其支护方案的可行性。
[关键词】隧道工程;导流隧洞;错动带;围岩稳定性;数值模拟 [中图分类号】TV551.12 [文献标识码]A [文章编号】1002-8498(2015)01-0099-04 StudyonInfluence ofInterlayerShearBeltonStabilityofSurrounding RockofDiversion Tunnel Liu Qiang'.2, Wu Wenbing²,Duan Longchen²,Fu Wen'.2 (1.Enginering Research Center of Rock-soil&Excavation and Protection Ministry of Education,China University of Geosciences, Wuhan,Hubi430074,China;2.FacultyfEnginering,ChinaUniterstyfGeosciencesWuhan,Hubei430074,China) Abstract:The interlayer shear belt is one of the main factors which affect the stability of surrounding rock of diversion tunnel. Study on the interlayer shear belt exposed in the different parts of the diversion tunnel isvery significant forthe stabilityof thediversion tunnelafterexcavating and the selection of supporting parameters.Based on software FLAC3D, this paper analyzes the stability of surrounding rock of diversion tunnel when interlayer shear belt is exposed in the different parts of the diversion tunnel by means of numerical technique.It is shown that when the interlayer shear belt is exposed between the springing line and bow of head,it may have very great influence on the stability of surounding rock of diversiontunnel. Finally,it isdemonstrated that the supportingmethod and supportparameters forthe interlayer shearblt are feasible and efective by using numerical method. Key words:tunnels;diversion tunnels; shear belt; stability of surrounding rock; simulation 0引言 有限元强度折减法在导流隧洞稳定性分析中的可 在深山高峡谷地区修建水利枢纽时,采用隧洞 周能性;进一步,刘波等对导流隧洞钢拱架与喷锚 导流是常用的导流方式。
由于导流隧洞通常断面支护体系的围岩位移和塑性区范围及支护应力进 尺寸大,常需要采用钢筋混凝土衬砌,修建隧洞的行了深人分析;周家文等"基...