施工技术 2012年3月下 52 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第361期 成都香年广场高强新型塑料模板施工技术 郑子光,曹洪,向小青2,李邻1 (1.中建三局建设工程股份有限公司成都分公司,四川成都610041; 2.中建三局建设工程股份有限公司,湖北武汉430064) [摘要]成都香年广场楼板结构和核心简电梯井采用新型塑料模板施工.该模板平整度好、结构尺寸规则、易于拼 接、可塑性强,而且节能环保.楼板模板只考虑整张模板及大面积模板拼接,小面积区域采用普通木模板切割拼 接;核心筒电梯井遵循先施工核心筒外侧模板后内侧模板,先阴阳角小面积模板后大面积模板的顺序.介绍了模 板制作、安装、细部处理等工艺,果用该模板后,混凝土成型效果良好,且经济效益显著. [关键词]高层建筑;模板;楼板;核心筒;混凝土;塑料模板;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)06-0052-03 Construction for a New Kind of High Strength Plastic Formwork in Chengdu Xiangnian Square Zheng Ziguang' Cao Hong' Xiang Xiaoging? Li Lin' (1.Chengdu Branch China Construction Third Engineering Joint-stock Lid.Chengdu Sichuan 610041 China; 2.China Construction Third Engineering Joint-stock Lad. Wuhan Hubei 430064 China) Abstract:The floor and core tube elevator shaft structures of Chengdu Xiangnian Square apply a new kind of plastic formwork for construction.This kind of formwork has good smoothness regular size convenient splicing high plasticity energy saving and environment protection.It is only considered the whole formwork and mass formwork splicing for floor while for small area ordinary wood formwork is used.For core tube elevator shaft the sequence is constructing outside formwork first and inside ones secondly and small formwork first and mass formwork secondly.The technologies of formwork fabrication installation detail treatment are introduced.By this technology the concrete has excellent effect and it has gotten obvious economic effect. K...
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