施工技术 2015年1月下 102 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第2期 D0I:10.7672/sgj82015020102 插口式钢管模板支撑架基本受力单元架 承载力数值分析 田鹏刚1,胡长明2,张风亮1,郭艳2 (1.陕西省建筑科学研究院,陕西西安710082;2.西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安710055) [摘要]插口式钢管模板支撑架是一种新型模板支撑体系,其构件规格固定、搭设速度快,可显著提高施工效率. 其应用性能并不像扣件式、碗扣式及盘扣式等有规范规程进行设计参考,也无充足的试验及数值分析成果可查阅, 故基于插口式钢管模板支撑架基本受力单元架承载力试验,运用有限元软件ANSYS进行了12组基本受力单元架 的数值分析,研究了立杆间距及横杆插头楔紧度对不同规格单元架竖向承载力的影响程度,指出施工过程中模板 支撑架纵横方向的刚度不宜相差过大., [关键词]支撑架;插口式;承载力;数值模拟 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)02-0102-04 Numerical Analysis on the Bearing Capacity of the Unit Frame in Socket-type Formwork Supporting System Tian Penggang' Hu Changming2 Zhang Fengliang' Guo Yan2 (1.Shaanxi Institute of Architecture Science Xi'an Shaanxi 710082 China;2.School of Civil Engineering Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology X'an Shaanxi710055 China) Abstract:Socket-type formwork supporting system is a new kind of structure its ponent specification is fixed and the construction speed is faster so it can improve the construction efficiency significantly. However its application performance has neither formal design code nor available experiment and numerical analysis results for reference that doesn't like the fastener type bowl type and plate type.So based on the vertical bearing capacity experiment results of unit frame in socket-type formwork supporting system twelve models were conducted by the finite element software ANSYS to make numerical analysis and the influence of the pole longitudinal pace and joint connection ...