2014年10月下 施工技术 第43卷第20期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 83 D01:10.7672/sgjs2014200083 超大轻钢结构大门设计及施工技术 张安,王伟雁,何余华 (中建城市建设发展有限公司,北京100044) [摘要]国家核电科研创新基地1号试验厂房为国内拟建的建筑高度最高核试验厂房,厂房共设置68.5m×9m 轻钢结构大门,为满足内部试验要求、外立面效果要求、节能保温要求以及防火逃生要求,对此6橙超大轻钢结构 大门进行创新设计并论证,采用轻钢骨架结构承重,墙体彩钢板饰面安装,下承重滑动平移道轨,将墙体与门结合 为一体,在满足防火要求、保温要求、逃生要求的前提下,实现了既定的设计造型,且利用复杂而又巧妙的传动系统 实现了大门开启和关闭的顺利运行. [关键调]钢结构;门;设计;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)20-0083-03 Design and Construction for Ultra Light Steel Door Zhang An Wang Weiyan He Yuhua CSCEC City Construction Development Co. Ltd. Beijing 100044 China) Abstract:The test plant of National Nuclear Power Research and Innovation Base set six 8.5m x 9m steel doors.In order to assure test requirements facade decoration requirements energy-saving and insulation requirements and fire safety requirements the six steel doors were designed and demonstrated.In this engineering light steel skeleton was applied to bear the wall decorative plate was used to install the lower bearing sliding movable track was used to make wall and door to be integral.On the premise of meeting fire prevention requirements insulation requirements and escape requirements the established design shape was pleted and the opening and closing of the door was operated successfully. Key words:steel structures;doors;design;construction 1工程概况 2.1外观饰面设计 国家核电科研创新基地工程1号试验厂房轻钢 超大轻钢结构大门平面效果如图1所示,其中 结构大门造型独特、结构复杂.为满足内部试验要整体外板沿用原建筑墙面彩钢板,彩钢板高度 求、外立面效果要求、节能保温要求以及防火逃生 900mm(一般竖向模数为900~1000mm 横向模数 要求,对此6樘超大轻钢结构...