2014年8月下 施工技术 第43卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D0I:10.7672/5j52014160001 超大面积钢网架高效施工及控制关键技术* 王大磊,余流 (中国建筑第六工程局有限公司,天津300451) [摘要]烟台张裕国际葡萄酒城生产中心由4个大厅组成,网架规模宏大,外形复杂.4个厅的轴线长度均达 443.4m 其中灌装车间大厅网架屋面水平投影面积达86906m2.施工难度大、技术含量高.基于工程实践,简要介 绍超大面积钢网架高效施工及控制关键技术,包括超大面积钢网架同步顶升及控制、构件的制作与安装等.结果 表明:所采用的施工技术切实可行,大幅度缩短工期,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益. [关键词]钢结构;网架;液压同步顶升;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)16-0001-04 Key Construction and Control Technology on Large Steel Space Truss Wang Dalei Yu Liu China Construction Sixth Engineering Dirision Co.Lsd.Tianjin 300451 China) Abstract:Yantai Zhangyu International Wine City Production Center is made up of four halls.The center is very large and plex.The axis length of all the four halls are up to 443.4m and among them the horizontal projected area of filling workshop hall is 86 906m2.So the construction is very difficult and has high technical.Based on engineering practice key construction and control technology on large steel space truss are introduced.Such as large steel space truss hydraulic synchronous jacking up technology manufacture and installation of ponents.The results show that the technology is feasible and greatly shortens the construction period and have excellent economic and social benefits. Key words:steel structures;trusses;hydraulic synchronous jacking-up;construction 钢网架、网壳结构作为一种空间杆系结构,近 烟台张裕国际葡萄酒城生产中心工程可分为 年来在实际工程中得到了越来越广泛的应用.由灌装车间工程、冷冻车间工程、前酿造车间工程、后 于企业的需要,尤其是大型生产型企业的需要,超 酿造车间工程4个分工程,如图1所示.其中灌装 大面积钢网架结构的需求越来越大.超大面积钢 车间轴...
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