施工技术 2011年4月上 34 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第338期 饱和黄土场地大直径灌注桩荷载传递规律试验研究 张世华,马安刚2 (1 兰州超高压输变电公司,甘肃兰州730050; 2.甘肃众联建设工程科技有限公司,甘肃兰州730050) [摘要]对兰州某变电站工程桩基试验中柱身轴力测试结果进行了分析,通过对抗压、抗拔摩阻力分布与桩端阻力 的分析,得出了饱和黄土场地大直径钻孔灌注桩桩身荷载的传递规律.影响桩周土体摩阻力大小的主要因索是土 体种类,密实度及含水率,而含水率不同是本场地桩周上部与下部极限摩阻力差异的主要原因.通过试验,得出本 场地抗拔与抗压极限摩阻力之比约为0.7. [关键词]饱和黄土;钻孔灌注桩;荷载传递;抗压摩阻力;抗拔摩阻力;含水率 [中图分类号]TU473.14 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)07-0034-04 Experimental Study on Load Transfer Law of Large Diameter Cast-in-place Pile in Saturated Loess Field Zhang Shihua' Ma Angang (1.Lanzhou Ehu Power Transmission Company Lanzhou Gansu 730050 China; 2.Gansu Zhonglian Construetion Technology Co.Led.Lanzhou Gansu 730050 China) Abstract:Based on analysis of anti-pressure friction resistance anti-pulling friction resistance and tip resistance the authors get shaft load transfer law of large diameter cast-in-place pile in saturated loess field.The influencing factors on friction resistance of soil around pile are category density and water content of soil.Water content is the main factor on the difference of friction resistance between upper part and lower part.According to the test the ratio of anti-pressure friction resistance and anti-pulling friction resistance is about 0.7. Key words:saturated loess;cast-in-place pile;load transfer;anti-pressure friction resistance;anti- pulling friction resistance;water content 桩身阻力的发挥性状取决于桩周土的应力-应为变质岩、砂岩及花岗岩,粒径20~100mm 磨圆度 变特性及桩-土的相对位移,成孔工艺不同也直接影中等,分选性差,充填物中粗砾砂约占2%.含漂 响桩的荷载传递性状.通过分析黄土场地,特别是 石,最大粒...
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