施工技术 2012年11月上 58 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第376期 不同底模对砂浆强度的影响 孙永民,胡长明,宋方方 (西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安710055) [摘要]通过对不同底模的水泥砂浆试块和混合砂浆试块的强度试验研究,在相同稠度情况下,采用不同底模时, 水泥砂浆强度比混合砂浆强度影响大.研究结果表明:钢底模比砖底模的离散性小;随者稠度变化,水泥砂浆采用 钢底模比采用砖底模影响因素大,但混合砂浆采用钢底模比砖底模影响因素小. [关键词]砌体结构;砂浆;强度;稠度;试验分析 [中图分类号]TU578 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)21-0058-04 Effect of Different Bottom Formwork on Strength of Mortar Sun Yongmin Hu Changming Song Fangfang (School of Civil Engineering Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Xi'an Shaanxi 710055 China) Abstract:The strength of cement mortar and mixed mortar with different bottom formwork were studied by tests.Results show that under the same consistency the change of bottom mould has bigger influence on the strength of cement mortar than mixed mortar.Specifically the discreteness of mortar strength with steel formwork is smaller than that with brick formwork.With the change of consistency the cement mortar strength shows higher variation with steel formwork than with brick formwork.However for mixed mortar strength the influence of consistency with steel formwork is smaller than that with brick formwork. Key words:masonry construction;mortar;strength;consistency;test analysis 0引言 本试验砂浆类型为水泥砂浆和水泥混合砂浆 砌体结构在我国有悠久历史,由于我国的现(掺稠化粉或白灰膏),水泥砂浆采用32.5级硅酸 状,砌体结构仍在房屋建筑中占有相当大的比例,盐水泥,混合砂浆采用42.5级硅酸盐水泥,水泥用 而砌筑砂浆由于在砌体工程中主要起黏结、衬垫和量为210kg/m3.试验中选用的砂为中砂,含泥量 传递应力的作用,因此工程中往往把砌筑砂浆的强4%.拌制砂浆的水为不含有害杂质的洁净水.制 度检验作为性能控制的主要因素.由于砂浆强度作试块中的底模采用钢底模、铁底模和普通黏土砖 评定时砂浆试块强度与试块制作时的底模有很大底模. 关系,因此现行国家标准《砌...