2016年10月下 施工技术 第45卷第20期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 45 D0I:10.7672/sjs2016200045 不等高张弦三角管桁架带柱累积滑移施工技术 杨向阳,王金辉,刘帅,刘汇东,桑晓景 (中建三局集团有限公司,湖北武汉430074) [摘要]新疆国际会展中心二期工程钢结构施工工期紧迫,现有施工场地条件受限制,气候条件恶劣.针对上述施 工难点,对本工程区中心展厅提出了不等高张弦三角管桁架带柱累积滑移施工技术.阐述了滑移总体思路及带 柱滑移施工流程,通过深化设计合理布置轨道梁及滑移轨道、液压爬行器、滑靴:并通过带柱滑移施工模拟分析,对 滑移轨道及桁架设置合理的支撑架,保证了滑移过程中钢柱与桁架的整体稳定性,实现了滑移到位后滑移钢柱与 下部钢柱的准确对接. [关键词]钢结构;桁架;不等高张弦三角管桁架;数值模拟;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)20-0045-04 Accumulative Sliding Construction Technology of Unequal Height Triangular Truss-string Structure with Column Yang Xiangyang Wang Jinhui Liu Shuai Liu Huidong Sang Xiaojing China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co.Lad.Wuhan Hubei 430074 China) Abstract:The construction period of the 2nd phase project of Xinjiang International Exhibition Center is very short the construction site conditions are limited and the climate conditions are worse.According to all these construction difficulties accumulative sliding construction technology of unequal height triangular truss-string strueture with column is proposed which is in the area of the central exhibition room of B zone.In this paper the general thought and the construction process of the cumulative sliding technique with column are introduced and explained.The sliding track rail beams hydraulic crawlers and sliding shoes are rationally arranged through the detailed design.The supporting frame for the sliding rail and truss is reasonably designed and set are ensured through the construction...
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