施工技术 2013年10月下 108 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第20期 D0I:10.7672/8gjs2013200108 倒挂井壁法在煤矿深基坑中的应用 于卫锋 (河南理工大学土木工程学院,河南焦作454000) [摘要]针对梁北矿矸石翻车机房基坑深度大、施工空间小、距离其他结构近、安全程度要求高等困难,借鉴竖井井 筒施工经验,采用倒挂井壁法进行基坑的开挖和围护,使基坑围护结构及翻车机房承重结构合为一体,节省了临时 支护设施,减少了施工工序,降低了工程成本.施工全过程中的地面沉降观测结果显示,基坑围护效果良好. [关键词]地下工程;基坑;倒挂井壁法;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)20-0108-03 The Application of Inverted Side-wall in Deep Foundation Excavation in Coal Mine Yu Weifeng School of Civil Engineering He'nan Polytechnic University Jiaozuo He'nan 454000 China) Abstract:According to the difficulties of the foundation excavation with large depth small construction space close distance and high safety requirements in Liangbei mine the method of inverted side-wall to excavate and maintain the foundation excavation was put forward using vertical shaft construction experience as reference.This method made maintain structure and load-bearing structure together which saved temporary support facilities reduced the construction process and reduced the cost of the project. The observations of land subsidence in the whole construction process show that the effect of maintenance excavation is good. Key words:underground;foundation excavation;inverted side-wall method;construction 1工程概况 梁北矿是神火集团名下重要的矿井之一,为了 矸石山涵! 翻车机房基础 开挖轮廓线、 提高矿井产量,需要对该矿出矸系统进行扩建,新 好石山涵洞2 8800 建研石翻车机房,由于场地有限,该机房全部位于 纹车房 8400 翻车中心线 N 地面以下,形成的基坑长12.6m 宽8.7m 深 13600 17.0m 东侧是水泵房,西北侧是研石山涵洞,西南 图1基坑位置平面 是临时绞车房,距离水泵房和绞车房的最短距离分 Fig.1 Location plan of the foundat...
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