施工技术 2017年9月下 42 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第18期 D0I:10.7672/sjs2017180042 倒挂结构高空施工安全质量控制分析* 况中华1,李兵,李鑫奎,滕鑫2 (1.上海建工集团股份有限公司,上海201114;2.上海建工四建集团有限公司,上海201103) [摘要]介绍了某高层塔楼倒挂结构逆序施工工艺.受下部楼板荷载限制,采用底部2层钢梁形成临时桁架,承受 部分上部悬挂结构荷载.同时采用施工控制技术对施工质量和安全进行管控,根据计算得到的施工过程中结构的 变形,设定预变形使结构完成时达到设计最终状态.同时依据计算结果在结构薄弱处布置监测点,进行施工阶段 的监测,以确保结构施工的安全性. [关键词]钢结构;倒挂结构;逆序施工;质量;安全;预变形 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)18-0042-03 Analysis of High-altitude Construction Safety and Quality Control for Inversion Structure KUANG Zhonghua' LI Bing' LI Xinkui' TENG Xin2 (1.Shanghai Construction Group Co.Lid.Shanghai 201114 China; 2.Shanghai Construction No.4(Group)Co.Lsd.Shanghai 201103 China) Abstract:Construction process on high-rise inversion structure is introduced.The temporary truss is formed by two steel beams at the bottom which is subjected to the load of the upper part of the suspension structure.Meanwhile the construction control technology for construction quality and safety control are used.According to the deformation of the structure calculated in the construction process the pre-deformation of the structure is set to plete the final state of design.At the same time the monitor for construction stage is done to ensure the safety of the structure construction on the basis of calculation results in weak structure. Key words:steel structures;inversion structure;reverse construction;quality;safety;pre-deformation 0引言 体的综合高层塔楼组成.1号塔楼(T1)地上60层, 高层建筑附属的倒挂结构的施工方案选择合 建筑高250m 2号塔楼(T2)地上59层,建筑高 ...
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