施工技术 2010年10月 44 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第10期 北京海关游泳馆采光顶预应力张弦结构施工技术 张字鹏,徐中文,陈新礼 (北京市建筑工程研究院,北京100039) []北意海关湖泳馆采光项采用预应力弦传构.根据预应力拉施工方案,应用Midas./Gen有限元计算 件对施工过程进行仿真分析,为实际张时张插力值提供理论体搭.在整个张指施工过程中对结构变形进竹监 倒,实侧结果理新据误差较小,满足规范和设计要求. [关键询]预应力:张随结构:伤真计算:工测 [中分类]TU758.166 [献杉识码]A [章编导]1002-8498(2010)10-0044-03 Construction Technology of Prestressed Beam-string Structure in Lighting Roof of Beijing Customs Swimming Gymnasium Zhang Yupeng Xu Zhongwen Chen Xinli Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:Prestressed beam-string structure is adopted in lighting roof of Beijing Customs Swimming Gymnasium.According to stretching process prestressing construction is simulated by calculation software of Midas/Gen which provides a theoretical basis for the actual value of tension.In the stretching process vertical deformation is monitored and the measured data which match the research data can satisfy with requirements of the specifications and design. Key words:prestress:beam-string strueture:simulation caleulation:construction monitoring 1工程概况 上弦钢管 北京海关游泳馆采光顶面为双曲椭球形,长轴 跨度42.9m 短轴跨度20.9m 笑高2m.采光项屋面采 用3层L0WE中空夹胶彼端莱楼,外层破端傲丝网印 下弦拉索 网纹图亲,中向设置自动烟窗.破璃暴墙支撑钢 三图 结构采用预应力张弦结构,通过短钢柱连接手下部混 凝土环梁中的可滑动支座上.读张雅结构的上雅为 b典型剂面 巾203×10钢管,撑杆为102×6钢管,长轴方向下弦 为b36mm不锈钢拉索(见图1a).拉索一端圈定,一 图1采光质三及刺面 Fig.1 Three-dimensional and typical profile of lighting roof 端可调,其调节端采用单螺杆式可调节具. 2结构体系 3预应力施工方 本工程采光顶钢结构由7榴平行的单向张弦梁3.1结构施工流程 成,每棍张梁的上弦向上弯曲呈拱形(见图1),各 本工程施工流程:搭设支撑脚手架一→单福张弦梁 撑杆的上端与上弦对应节点沿索张拉...