2010年8月 施工技术 第39卷第8期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 93 单双层混合型网壳安装技术研究 李淮',林剑锋2 (1.广州市重点公共建设项目管理办公室,广东广州510665;2.上海宝冶集团有限公司,上海200941) [摘要]广州某体育馆钢屋盖分为主体结构和次结构.通过对高空散装法、分块分条安装法以及滑移法等安装方 法的对比,决定采用分块分条安装法施工.考虑结构刚度和强度需求,确定最终吊装顺序:环形约束桁架→径向桁 架单层网壳→加劲架→装饰桁架.为使结构焊接应力顺利释放,合龙口处采用门形板的连接工艺;主结构顶 部飘带采用旋转就位法施工;为节约措施费用,采用立柱和横梁相结合的支撑体系. [关键词]钢屋盖:网壳;吊装;安装技术 [中图分类号]TU337 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)08-0093-03 Installation Technology Study on Single or Double Layer Mixer Reticulated Shell Li Huai' Lin Jianfeng2 (1.Guangzhou Administration Office of Major Public Construction Projects Guangzhou Guangdong 510665 China; 2.Shanghai Baoye Group Co.Ltd.Shanghai 200941 China) Abstract:Steel roof structure for some stadium in Guangzhou is divided into main and secondary structures.By parison of installation methods of part assembly at high altitude installation by block and striping and sliding installation by block and striping method is applied for construction. Considering the requirements of stiffness and strength of structure the final hosting sequence is assured which is ring constraint truss→radial truss-→single-layer reticulated shell-→stiffened truss-→decorative truss.In order to release the welding stress successfully the door-shape plate connection technique for closure is applied and rotation location construction is adopted for ribbon structure in the top of main structure besides support system with the bination of column and beam is used to save cost. Key words:steel roof;reticulated shel...
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