2015年1月上 施工技术 第44卷第1期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 43 D0I:10.7672/sgj82015010043 地下连续墙入岩成槽施工工艺改进* 党亚杰,肖昭然1,聂彬2 (1.河南工业大学土木建筑学院,河南郑州450000;2.中铁隧道集团二处有限公司,河北燕郊101601) [摘要]基于南昌轨道交通1号线秋水广场站探索出的中风化岩层地下连续墙入岩成槽施工工艺,通过在2号线 地铁大厦站地下连续墙施工中的探索和实践,对该施工工艺进行了改进,在不增加机械设备的情况下极大地改善 了入岩段连续墙偏孔的问题,且缩短了成槽时间,效果显著.主要对相同地质条件下两种施工工艺进行了数据上 的比对分析,以证明改进后施工工艺确有推广应用价值. [关键词]地下工程;地下连续墙;地铁;施工工艺;优化 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)01-0043-03 Improvement of Injection Construction Technique of Diaphragm Wall Dang Yajie' Xiao Zhaoran' Nie Bin2 (1.College of Civil Engineering He'nan University of Technology Zhengzhou He'nan 450000 China; 2.ERCHU Co.Ltd.of China Railway Tunnel Group Yanjiao Hebei 101601 China) Abstract:Based on the injection construction technique of diaphragm wall in the weathering rock and the construction technology is explored in the Qiushui square station the injection construction technique of diaphragm wall is improved by exploring and using in the subway station of Line 2.The problem of hole misregistration in the diaphragm wall is improved greatly without any increase in mechanical equipment and the time of grooving is reduced effectually.According to the parison and analysis of the two construction technologies under the same geological conditions it is proved that the improved construction technology has the popularization and application value. Key words:underground;diaphragm wall;subways;construction;optimization 随着我国城市建设的快速发展,地下空间的不 南昌市地铁大厦站位于红谷滩世贸路与赣江 断开发利用,以地下连续墙作为深基坑围护结构的...