施工技术 2011年6月上 90 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第342期 城市投资建设的新模式——城市投资社会化 刘锦章 (中国科学院研究生院,北京100080) [摘要]当前地方政府城市投资(简称城投)公司的过度负债等问题已经引起了国家的高度关注,其发展的可持续 性受到了广泛的质疑.社会化城投可以提供公共物品、准公共物品和私人物品,从业务上讲可以替代政府城投,从 经济学和管理学理论上讲符合城市公共事业市场化、社会化的规律,从政策上讲符合国家的投资体制改革决定. 城投社会化是我国城市基础设施投资建设市场化改革的最终目标. [关键词]城市投资;融资平台;城投公司;城市运营;公共管理 [中图分类号]TU932 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)11-0090-03 The New Model of Urban Investment and Development: Socialization of Urban Investment Liu Jinzhang (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080 China) Abstract:The problem of over-debt of local governmental urban investment corporations(GUIC)has been paid much attention by central government and the continuity of development of GUIC has been queried extensively.Socialized urban investment corporation (SUIC)can provide public goods quasi-public goods and private goods and can replace GUIC from the point of business.In addition SUIC conforms to the principles of socialization and market of urban public utilities in economics and management and conforms to state's reforming policy in investment system.Socialization of urban investment is the destination of market of urban infrastructure investment and development. Key words:urban investment;financing platform;urban investment corporation;urban operation; public management 由于政府城市投资(以下简称城投)公司的融临的一系列现实问题. 资平台的根本特征,其在发展中逐渐暴露出种种问1地方政府融资平台(城投)的发展和问题 题,最突出就是其高额的资产负债比率和经营效率 随着我国城市化进程不断加快,城市基础设施 的相对低下.国家有关部门已经高度关注政府融资和公共设施需求增长迅速,地方政府作为主要投资 平台的信用风险问题,政府融资平台遇到了前所未...