施工技术 2013年2月上 16 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第3期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013030016 城市既有住宅节能改造成本与 能效优化价值评价研究* 井汇 (山东英才学院,山东济南250104) [摘要]以济南市某既有住宅为例,对城市既有住宅节能改造成本与能效优化价值进行评价.首先提出节能改造 设计方案,计算节能改造成本,然后借助DeST-h软件模拟改造前后的总能耗及分项能耗,标识改造后住宅的能效 等级,最后构建经济效益评价模型,通过计算节能改造的投资回收期进行经济性分析. [关键词]既有居住建筑;建筑能耗;改造;经济分析 [中图分类号]TU111 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2013)03-0016-03 Research of Energy-saving Reconstruction Cost and Energy Efficiency Optimization Value of Existing City Residential Building Jing Hui (Shandong Yingcai University Ji'nan Shandong 250104 China) Abstract:Using an existing residential building in Ji’nan as an example this paper performed as assessment to the reconstruction cost and energy efficiency optimization value of existing city residential building.The reconstruction design was firstly proposed and renovation cost calculated.Then with the aid of DeST-h software the total power consumption and individual consumptions before and after the reconstruction were simulated.The energy efficiency grades of the building before and after the energy- saving reconstruction were identified respectively.Finally the economic benefit evaluation model was established which gave a clear indication of the economic benefit of the energy saving reconstruction by calculating the recovery period of the reconstruction investment. Key words:existing residential buildings;power consumption;reconstruction;economic analysis 0引言 总能耗及分项能耗,并进行经济性分析,从而对节 目前,不符合节能标准要求的既有建筑在中国能改造成本与能效优化价值进行评价. 建筑总存量中占绝大多数,在全社会实际发生的建 1...