施工技术 2010年7月 40 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第7期 大跨度张弦网架结构关键施工技术 余流,杜澎泉 (中国建筑第六工程局有限公司,天津300451) [摘要]黄河口物理模型试验厅设计新颖、造型独特、规模宏大.其中海城B厅采用张弦网架结构,跨度达148m 为同类结构世界之最.施工技术含量高、难度大.基于工程实践,介绍大跨度张弦网架结构关键施工技术,包括焊 接球节点网架段单元加工与制作、大跨度张弦网架高空安装与微调就位、巨型预应力钢索张拉与控制等.结果表 明:该施工技术切实可行,可大大缩短工期、降低施工成本,保证施工质量和安全,具有良好的经济效益和社会效 益. [关键词]大跨度;张弦网架;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU745.2[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)07-0040-04 Key Construction Technology on Large Span Truss String Structure Yu Liu Du Pengquan China Construction Sisth Engineering Dipision Co. Led.Tianjin 300451 China) Abstract:The architectural feature of the physical model test building (PMTB)in Yellow River Estuary is novel and distinctive.Its size is very large.The truss string structure is adopted by the PMTB and it is the largest span truss string structure in the world whose span is 148-meter long.So it is very difficult to be built.Key construction technology such as fabricating of welded-ball-node grid unit and hoisting assembling of large span truss string structure at high altitude and tensioning controlling of large pre- stressed steel cable is presented.The results show that the technology is feasible and it can shorten the construction period reduce the construction cost ensure construction quality safety and result in good economic and social benefits. Key words:large span;string truss;construction technology 张弦结构作为一种新型的结构形式,近年来在实 海城A厅 际工程中得到越来越广泛的应用.其结构体系由抗弯 刚度较大的刚性构件和高强度拉索组成,自重较轻,可 以跨越很大空间.张弦结构作为一种半刚性结构,其 整体刚度由刚性构件截面尺寸和结构体系的空间几何 河道厅 海域日厅 形体两方面共同组...
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