施工技术 2015年8月上 32 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第15期 D0I:10.7672/8js2015150032 大跨度框架结构施工期活荷载现场调查与统计分析* 简超军,胡长明,叶正武,袁一力,刘阳 (西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安710055) [摘要]结合某大跨度框架结构工程,对其施工期的活荷载进行了调查统计,统计时间贯穿该建筑物的整个建造 期.重点调查统计了施工中的模板搭设、钢筋绑扎混凝土浇筑和混凝土养护期4个阶段的堆载情况.结合工程实 际划分3mx2m的统计网格,通过现场调查和统计分析,认为施工活荷载服从指数分布,计算出了分布函数的参 量,给出了施工期施工活荷载标准值的建议值. [关键词]混凝土;框架结构:施工期活荷载:现场调查;统计分析 [中图分类号]TU312.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2015)15-0032-03 In Situ Investigation and Statistical Analysis of Live Loads of Large Span Frame Structure During Construction Jian Chaojun Hu Changming Ye Zhengwu Yuan Yili Liu Yang (School of Civil Engineering Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology Xi'an Shaanxi7l0055 China) Abstract:Combining with a large span frame structure project a survey on live loads of this building has been conducted.The survey lasted the whole construction period of the building.The loads in the four phases of formwork reinforcement concrete pouring and curing were recorded.According to the actual situation of the building divided the floor plan into 3m x 2m grid.Based on the result of survey and statistical analysis it is found that the live loads submit to exponential distribution.And the parameters of exponential function were estimated the standard value of live loads during construction was also suggested. Key words:conerete;frame structures;live loads during construction;in situ investigation; statistical analysis 0引言 查,以向容器中注水的办法着重模拟分析了混凝土 混凝土结构的失效风险率在结构的建造、使用 浇筑时产生的冲击荷载,发现最大荷载可达50kN/ 和老化阶段是不同的,在结构的...
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