施工技术 2017年8月上 34 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第15期 D0I:10.7672/8js2017150034 大跨度空间管桁架分区连续累计卸载施工技术 陈海峰,刘晓伟,吴先杰,夏伟东,张树鹏 (中建三局第一建设工程有限责任公司,湖北武汉430040) [摘要]马鞍山通航枢纽试验厅项目采用大跨度空间管桁架结构,桁架安装采用地面拼装、高空安装的方法进行, 桁架安装时需在地面设置临时支撑.考虑工期及成本因素,桁架卸载采用“分区连续累计卸载”的施工工艺,并通 过MIDAS/Gen受力软件对其安全性与可靠性进行验证.桁架卸载时通过调节千斤顶的行程实现分区内同步、区 间连续卸载并全程进行测量监控.该卸载技术在节约工期及成本方面效果显著. [关键词]钢结构;管桁架;分区;卸载;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)15-0034-04 Construction Technology of Partial Continuous Cumulative Unloading of Large-span Space Pipe Truss CHEN Haifeng LIU Xiaowei WU Xianjie XIA Weidong ZHANG Shupeng (China Construction Third Bureau First Engineering Co.Ltd.Wuhan Hubei 430040 China) Abstract:Maanshan navigation project adopts a large-span space pipe truss structure.The truss installation adopts the method of assembling on the ground and installing at high altitude.The truss installation needs temporary support on the ground.Considering the time limit and cost factors the truss unloading applies the construction technology of‘partial continuous accumulative unloading' and the safety and reliability are verified by the MIDAS/Gen software.The truss unloading is realized by adjusting the stroke of the jack to achieve synchronous unloading in the partition and continuous unloading between the partitions while monitoring the entire process.The unloading technology has obvious advantage in saving time and cost. Key words:steel structures;pipe truss;partition;unloading;construction 0引言 度21.35m 上部钢桁架支撑于下部混凝土柱上.屋 随着国...
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