2011年5月下 施工技术 第40卷第341期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOCY 101 大跨空间钢结构预应力施工技术研究与应用 大跨空间钢结构预应力施工技术分析 罗斌,郭正兴 (东宙大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096) [摘要]为实现基准温度下设计初始态的“力”和“形”的统一,在正式施工前必须进行一系列的预应力施工分析. 介绍了主要预应力施工分析的方法及其适用性,通过等效预张力的找力分析,满足初始态对“力”的要求:通过零状 态的找形分析、满足初始态对“形”的要求;通过环境温度影响分析,满足初始态对“基准温度的要求;通过施工过 程分析,满足过程与目标的统一,并保证过程的安全性;通过有应力制作索长计算,将制作索长与初始态的形和索 力或者与零状态的形和等效预张力相对应. [关键词]大跨空间钢结构;预应力;拉索;施工分析 【中图分类号]TU245 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)10-0101-06 Research and Application of Large-span Space Steel Structures Prestress Construction Technology --Prestress Construction Technology Analysis of Large-span Steel Space Structures Luo Bin Guo Zhengxing (School of Cicil Engineering Southeas Unisersity Nanjing Jiangsu210096 China) Abstract:Before the construction beginning a series of prestress construction analysis are done to realize the force and deformation unifying at the reference temperature.The method and application of main prestress construction analysis are introduced then the demands of force deformation and reference temperature at beginning state are attained through the analysis of force-finding of equivalence prestress deformation-finding at zero state and environment temperature effect.The uniform of process and aim are obtained and the construction safety is guaranteed through the construction analysis.Through the calculation of making cables the correspondence of making cable and force and deformation at the beginning state or zero state is ensured. Key words:large-span steel space structures...
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