2013年4月上 施工技术 第42卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 19 D0I:10.7672/8gjs2013070019 岩溶地区缺陷桩检测及处理措施* 黄柳云,杜静2,王家全1,吴辉琴1 (1.广西工学院土木建筑工程系,广西柳州545006;2.广西交通职业技术学院路桥工程系,广西南宁530023) [摘要]结合多项工程缺陷桩实例,采用声波透射法和钻芯法系统地对桩底持力层承载力不足、沉渣过厚、桩身局 部夹泥、桩身局部离析、桩头浮浆等缺陷的基桩进行对比分析并提出相应的补强处理方案.结果表明,采用声波透 射法检测并辅以钻芯法进行验证,可以客观评价基柱的质量,为岩溶地区桩基施工提供经济有效的技术参考. [关键词]地下工程;桩基础:缺陷桩;检测 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)07-0019-05 Detection of Defective Piles in Karst Area and Treatment Measures Huang Liuyun' Du Jing? Wang Jiaquan' Wu Huiqin' (1.Department of Civil Engineering Guangxi University of Technology Liuzhou Guangxi 545006 China; 2.Department of Highway and Bridge Guangxi Vocational and Techaical College of Communications Nanning Guangxi 530023 China) Abstract:Based on a number of projects parative analyses were performed to deflective piles with deficiencies such as insufficient bottom bearing capacity excessive sediment floating pulp defect with mud and segregation using sound wave transmission and core drilling method and the retrofitting treatments were proposed correspondingly.The results show that the quality of piles can be evaluated objectively using the sound wave transmission method with the assistance of core drilling method.These provide economic and effective technical references to pile constructions in karst area. Key words:underground;piles;defective pile;detection 岩溶地区地质条件复杂,地下水丰富,岩石面定工程桩应进行单桩承载力和桩身完整性检测. 高低起伏变化大,严重影响柱基础的施工质量.桩 1.1桩身完整性检测 基工程属于隐蔽工程,桩基安全直接影响着建筑物 目前桩身完整性检测规范推荐的方法主要有 的安全....
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