施工技术 2014年1月下 28 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第2期 D0I:10.7672/8gj82014020028 成都华置广场异形钢结构施工技术* 曹阁,许志华,刘宁波,张振兴,王旭 (中建三局建设工程股份有限公司成都分公司,四川成都610041) [摘要]结合成都华置广场项目特色天窗的设计,在施工过程中对天窗钢结构进行受力传递方向分析,并将其与设 计受力传递方向做对比,发现其主梁与次梁传力方向正好相反,在施工过程只能先施工次梁后施工主梁,因此介绍 了本项目特色天窗钢结构逆向施工的施工过程. [关键词]钢结构;异形天窗;主梁;次梁;胎架;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)02-0028-04 Construction of the Special-shaped Steel Structures of Chengdu Huazhi Plaza Cao Ge Xu Zhihua Liu Ningbo Zhang Zhenxing Wang Xu (China Construction Third Engineering Co.Ltd.Chengdu Construction Company Chengdu Sichuan 610041 China) Abstract:Combined with a characteristic skylight design of chengdu Huazhi Plaza during the construction process the loading mechanism of steel skylight structure is analysed.In addition when pared with the design loading process it is found that the loading direction in the main-beam and sub-beam is different.Therefore when under construction it is necessary to construct sub-beams first and then is main-beam.The main purpose of the article is to introduce the characteristic steel skylight downward construction process within the project. Key words:steel structures;special-shaped skylight;main-beam;sub-beam;jigs;construction 1工程概况 华置广场项目位于四川省成都市青羊区太升 南路地段,总建筑面积约43万m2 地上共设酒店、 办公楼、住宅TC、住宅TD等4栋塔楼以及商业裙 楼.其中眼睛形天窗位于裙楼中庭位置,具有实用 性及美观性双重作用,天窗骨架为钢结构,其结构 异形不规则,如图1所示. a钢结构三维图 b眼睛天窗模型效果 本项目针对眼睛天窗的结构特性,采用先施工 图1钢结构三维模型、眼睛天窗横型效果 次梁后施工主梁的方法,过程中采用钢胎架对次梁 Fig.1 3D model of the steel structures 进行支撑,并搭设吊架作为施工操作架,配合使用 and e...
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