施工技术 2015年7月下 76 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第14期 D0I:10.7672/8js2015140076 承插型盘销式钢管支架结构稳定性试验与 参数分析* 陈安英12,郭正兴2,杨启龙3 (1 合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院,安徽合肥230009;2.东南大学土木工程学院, 江苏南京210096;3.中国兵器工业第202研究所,陕西成阳712099) [摘要]作为一种薄壁钢管结构,结构稳定性是影响施工用钢管支架结构安全性的主要因素.对一种新型承插型 盘销式钢管支架结构稳定性进行试验和理论分析研究,包括基本受力单元体足尺试验和有限元分析,并在此基础 上对由基本受力单元体扩展形成的支架整体结构进行稳定性参数分析.研究结果表明:支架结构体系中设置的斜 撑杆对提高结构稳定承载力具有重要作用;支架结构体系具有完整性,基本受力单元体纵横向空间扩展对支架结 构整体稳定承载力影响不大;立杆顶部悬臂长度是影响支架结构稳定承载力的关键因素,通过拟合参数分析结果 提出了结构稳定承载力简化计算公式:并提出了工程实践时应注意控制立杆顶部悬臂长度或采取减小顶层水平杆 步高的构造措施来提高支架结构安全性的建议. [关键词]脚手架;盘销节点;稳定性;极限承载力;试验;参数分析 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)14-0076-07 Structural Stability Test and Parameter Analysis of Pin-disk Type Steel Tubular Scaffold Chen Anying' 2 Guo Zhengxing㎡,Yang Qilong (1.School of Civil Engineering Hefei Unitersity of Technology Hefei Anhui 230009 China; 2.School of Civril Engineering Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China; 3.202nd Research Institute of China Ordnance Industry Xianyang Shaanxi 712099 China) Abstract:As a thin-walled steel tubular structure structural stability is main factor to affect the safety of steel tubular scaffold during construction.Experimental and theoretical study on new pin-disk type steel tubular scaffold structural stability was performed including the full scale basic unit bearing capacity test and finite element analysis and the stability parameter analysis of the integral structure formed from the basic unit.The research results indicate that the diagonal brace plays a...
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