2017年6月下 施工技术 第46卷第12期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 91 D0I:10.7672/8js2017120091 抽屉式卸料平台安全性研究 赵挺生,刘剑锋,徐树铭1,王富厅1,洗二启2 (1.华中科技大学土木工程与力学学院,湖北武汉430074; 2.佛山南海保达建筑机械设备有限公司,广东佛山528251) [摘要]以CPT-2抽屉式卸料平台为例,在分析卸料平台荷载工况的基础上,通过静力荷载试验,系统研究各工况 下抽屉式卸料平台构件的应力、挠度、内力,分析验证抽屉式卸料平台结构的本质安全性.然后,对卸料平台支顶 杆对楼板的冲切及楼面止口处混凝土梁的承载力进行理论验算,以检验卸料平台的使用安全性.最后,介绍了抽 屉式卸料平台的监控报警装置. [关键词]卸料平台;抽屉式;安全;荷载试验;监控报警装置:承载力 [中图分类号]TU741 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)12-0091-07 Study on the Safety of Drawer Type Unloading Platform ZHAO Tingsheng' LIU Jianfeng' XU Shuming' WANG Futing' XIAN Erqi (1.School of Civil Engineering Mechanics Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan Hubei 430074 China; 2.Foshan Nanhai Baoda Construction Machinery Equipments Co.Lid.Foshan Guangdong 528251 China) Abstract:Taking CPT-2 drawer type unloading platform for example based on the analysis of its load conditions unloading platform ponents'stress deflection internal forces and platform integrity under different load cases were systematically studied to analyze and verify its intrinsic safety.Then the punching on the floor by unloading platform‘s jacks and concrete beam's bearing capacity were theoretically verified to check its using safety.Finally this paper introduced a monitoring alarm device for drawer type unloading platform. Key words:unloading platform;drawer type;safety load test;monitoring alarm device;bearing capacity 卸料平台是建筑施工现场常见的施工临时设 针对简易悬挑卸料平台安全风险高的现状,一 施,是辅助楼层与地面、楼层与楼层之间材料、小型些建筑机械设备公司开发了定型化成套产品一 机具垂直运输的转运平台,属于危险性较大的专...