施工技术 2013年7月下 94 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第14期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013140094 插盘式脚手架试验研究及受力分析* 闫雁军,陈鲁2,张其林1 (1.同济大学土木工程学院,上海200092;2.上海同济建设工程质量检测站,上海200092) [摘要]为研究插盘式脚手架的力学性能,进行了节点单向、双向拉伸及单向压缩试验,得到其破坏模式及荷载位 移曲线;现场对单跨两步脚手架体系进行堆载试验,得到各杆件应力.建立三维杆系有限元计算模型,模拟脚手架 体系堆载试验,采用弹簧单元模拟插盘式节点,轴向线刚度取节点试验值,通过改变弹簧单元的切向刚度和转角刚 度对整个结构进行参数分析,得到与试验结果较吻合的数值分析模型,并与节点铰接的模拟结果进行对比.分析 表明:插盘式节点采用弹簧单元可以更好地模拟结构的受力状态,需要考虑弹簧的轴向刚度和切向刚度,但可以忽 略转角刚度. [关键词]脚手架;插盘式;节点试验;堆载;有限元分析;弹簧单元 [中图分类号]TU392.3;TU393.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)14-0094-04 Experiment Study and Parameter Analysis on a Disk-type Steel Scaffold Yan Yanjun' Chen Lu2 Zhang Qilin' (1.School of Civil Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China; 2.Shanghai Tongji Institution of Inspection on Construction Quality Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:To investigate the behavior of a disk-type steel scaffold joints experiment on the load- deformation curve and the failure modes and a heap load test of a two-story-frame on the member stress were conducted.Then the numerical analysis was carried out.In the numerical analysis spring element was applied to simulate the disk-type joint.As the spring axial stiffness got by the joint test the parameter analysis of tangent stiffness and rotational stiffness was carried out by paring the results of experiment and numerical analysis.It shows that the stress status of numerical model with spring element could agree well with the experimental results;the effect of the connection tangent and axial stiffness i...