施工技术 2014年1月下 90 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第2期 D0I:10.7672/9gs2014020090 新型框式盘扣梁板模板支撑体系研究* 张静,武雷,田野,郝伟 (东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096) [摘要]为优化现浇混凝土模板支撑体系,通过对比分析各类传统的模板支撑,提出了新型的竖向支撑体系—框 式盘扣支模架以及与之配套的横向水平支撑体系——可调桁架.该支模体系可以根据不同模板跨度的要求,通过 调节塔柱位置以及增设附属塔柱来实现梁下自由变跨,板区则主要采用可调桁架来满足水平支撑各种跨度的需 要.最后,分别对其进行了试验研究,分析其在工程应用中存在的优缺点. [关键词]混凝土;模板;支撑;盘扣架;试验 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2014)02-0090-03 Research on New Technology of Template Support of Frame Wheel Formwork Zhang Jing Wu Lei Tian Ye Hao Wei (School of Civil Engineering Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China) Abstract:In this paper a new type of vertical support system named frame wheel formwork is put forward and matched lateral horizontal support system adjustable truss is also proposed through the parison and analysis of the traditional template supports.According to the requirements of different templates span this support system can change span under the beam freely by adjusting the position of pillars and adding attached pillars.Board area adopts adjustable truss to meet the different span needs of the horizontal support.Then test researches are respectively carried out for them.And at last the advantages and disadvantages of engineering applications are analyzed. Key words:concrete;formwork;supports;wheel-type scaffold;test 1常用模板支撑体系分析 本文提出的新型框式盘扣架支模体系通过平 我国常用的模板支撑体系包括如下几种:①普面单元H形支架组成的空间塔柱来承担上部结构 通钢管扣件式支撑优点:可灵活选择尺寸;易控 传下来的荷载.该支模体系可以根据不同模板跨 制接头位置;造价经济.缺点:偏心连接,对结构承 度的要求,通过调节塔柱位置以及增设附属塔柱来 载不利;施工质量受人为影响大.②碗扣式支撑...
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