2015年10月下 施工技术 第44卷第20期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 63 D01:10.7672/sgjs2015200063 新建沈阳南站东西站房66m跨网架提升施工技术 章国超,俞福利,施元强,王强强,梁君 (浙江精工钢结构集团有限公司,浙江绍兴312030) [摘要]新建铁路沈阳南站东西站房采用大跨度焊接球网架结构形式.根据工程特点,采用中部66m跨度网架地 面拼装进行提升、两侧高空原位拼装、提升后对焊就位的施工方案,通过该方案的实施,确保了项目施工进度与质 量.针对该方案的特点,从提升架设计、同步和不同步提升模拟分析、施工全过程模拟分析、附加应力比计算等方 面进行了详细介绍,确保了施工过程结构的安全性和稳定性.最后,客观阐述提升过程中的突发情况,采用相应的 处理方案. [关键词]火车站;网架;提升;施工模拟;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)20-0063-03 66m-span Space Truss Structure Lifting Construction in the East West Station of New Shenyang South Railway Station Zhang Guochao Yu Fuli Shi Yuanqiang Wang Qiangqiang Liang Jun (Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Building Group)Co. Lid.Shaoxing Zhejiang 312030 China) Abstract:The large span welded space truss structure is applied in east west station of new Shenyang South Railway Station.According to the engineering characteristics authors adopt a construction technology called partial lifting partial working aloft to guarantee construction quality progress.The project introduces from several aspects including design of lifting bracket analysis of synchronous lifting analysis of non synchronous lifting simulation analysis of the construction progress analysis of additional stress ratio which can ensure safety and quality in production.At last authors state the emergency in lifting and take necessary measures. Key words:railroad stations;space truss;lifting;simulation;construction 1工程概况 中央站房 西站房 沈阳南站位于沈阳市大浑南地区,三环高速南 侧、沈营街西侧,东侧与沈阳桃仙机场相邻,为沈阳 无柱雨篷 市铁路枢纽“三主一辅”客运布局...