施工技术 2016年4月上 92 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第7期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016070092 新方法处理高填方黄土地基的室内试验研究* 殷鹤12,黄雪峰1 2,张彭成3,周俊鹏1.2 (1.后勤工程学院军事土木工程系,重庆401311;2.后勤工程学院岩土力学与地质环境保护重庆市 重点实验室,重庆401311;3.后勤工程学院化学与材料工程系,重庆401311) [摘要]结合室内试验提出了处理高填方黄土地基新方法的工艺流程及技术要求,并揭示了其固化机理.室内试 验以石灰为改性材料、硫酸钠为辅料掺人土中,对混合土料进行压实,再对压实土样施加一定强度的外加电场处 理.养护完成后对土样进行无侧限压缩试验、高压周结试验与湿陷试验.试验结果表明:混合土料经电场处理后, 养护龄期短、抗压强度高、压缩性低,能够在低压实度条件下消除湿陷性. [关键词]地基:黄土:化学改性;外加电场:试验 [中图分类号]TU472.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)07-0092-03 Experimental Study on Improved Loess High Fill Foundation by a New Method Yin He.2 Huang Xuefeng.2 Zhang Pengcheng Zhou Junpeng1.2 (1.Department of Ciril Engineering Logistic Engineering University Chongqing 401311 China;2.Chongging Key Laboratory of Geomechanics Geoenvironmental Protection Logistic Engineering Unirersity Chongging 401311 China; 3.Department of Chemistry and Material Engineering Logistic Engineering Unizersity Chongging 401311 China) Abstract:Combined with laboratory experiment this paper proposed process flow and technical requirements of a new method to improve loess high fill foundation and revealed its improving mechanism.Proper amounts of lime and sodium sulfate were added to the soil as stabilizers.Compacted the mixture and then imposed a certain intensity of electric field on it.After curing unconfined pression tests high pressure pression tests and collapsibility tests were carried out.The results show that the engineering properties of the mixture such as its unconfined pres...
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