2017年3月上 施工技术 第46卷第5期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 133 D0I:10.7672/9gjs2017050133 新沈阳南站中央站房大跨度拱形平面 钢桁架施工技术 邓凯1,张乐群2,郭刚2,丁建军 (1.中铁建工集团有限公司北京分公司,北京100081;2.沈阳铁路局沈阳框纽 工程建设指挥部,辽宁沈阳110000) [摘要]新建铁路沈阳南站中央站房屋盖采用大跨度拱形平面桁架的结构形式,通过对分段吊装与双机抬吊两种 施工方案的优劣进行详细对比,最终选择了分段吊装的施工方案.通过该方案的实施,在保证施工质量与安全的 同时,缩短了工期. [关键词]钢桁架;分段吊装;拱形平面;数值模拟;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)05-0133-04 Construction Technology of the Steel Truss with Large-span Arched Plan for the Central Station Building of New Shenyang Southern Station Deng Kai' Zhang Lequn2 Guo Gang? Ding Jianjun' (1.Beijing Branch of China Railway Construction Engineering Group Co.Ltd.Beijing 100081 China; 2.Shenyang Pivotal Project Construction Headquarters of Shenyang Raileay Bureau Shenyang Liaoning 110000 China) Abstract:The central station building of New Shenyang Southern Station uses the steel truss structure with large-span arched plan.After primary determination the segment hoisting scheme and double- machine lifting-hanging scheme are determined.Through detailed parison finally segment hoisting scheme is used.With the implementation of the scheme the construction quality and safety are ensured at the same time the scheme shortens the construction period. Key words:steel trusses;segment hoisting;arched plan;simulation;construction 1工程概况 沈阳南站位于沈阳市大浑南地区,三环高速南 侧、沈营街西侧,东侧与沈阳桃仙机场相邻,为沈阳 市铁路枢纽“三主一辅”客运布局的重要一环.中 央站房钢结构包含夹层、房中房及屋面桁架等.屋 顶结构标高为37.500m 高架层结构标高为 图1中央站房钢结构 8.745m 夹层结构标高为16.400m.中央站房的结 Fig.1 Steel structure of the central...