2011年5月下 施工技术 第40卷第341期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 55 武汉保利文化广场深基坑施工技术 吴长路 (中铁建工集团北京分公司,北京100070) [摘要]武汉保利文化广场工程基坑深度大,施工现场场地狭窄,周边环境及地质条件复杂,支护结构工作量大. 详细介绍了基坑采用支护柱及立柱桩、内支撑方案、支护桩及内支撑、岩溶水降水、土方开挖等施工方案的具体要 求及步骤.并对工程进行多参数观测达到信息化监测,为工程顺利实施提供有力保证.实践证明,施工措施效果 良好,有效解决了深基坑施工过程中的难题. [关键词]内支撑;岩溶裂陈水;中心岛:施工栈桥;施工监测 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)10-0055-04 Construction Technology of Deep Foundation Excavation in Wuhan Poly Culture Plaza Wu Changlu Beijing Branch of China Railusay Construction Engineering Group Bejing 100070 China) Abstract:At the plex surrounding environment and geological conditions foundation excavation of Wuhan Poly Culture Plaza has the characteristics whose construction site is narrow and the quantities of foundation excavation supporting is large.The concrete demands and steps of foundation excavation construction such as supporting piles and column piles internal supporting supporting piles and internal supporting karstic dewatering soil excavation are introduced.The information monitoring is realized by the monitoring of foundation excavation parameters to guarantee the construction going successfully.The result shows that construction has a good effect and construction difficulties are solved. Key words:inner support;karst fissure water;central island;construction trestle;construction monitoring 1工程概况 物距离地下室边线最近处约18m:基坑西面与洪广 武汉保利文化广场工程地下4层,地上主楼46 商务中心地下室接壤,并与该地下室范围线相距不 层,副楼20层,裙楼8层,副楼16-20层与主楼相 到2m 最近处仅一墙相隔;基坑西北面邻近华银大 连形成主、副楼连体建筑.工程建筑面积为厦,并与该大厦地下室范围线相距约7...
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