施工技术 2015年2月下 26 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第4期 D0I:10.7672/5js2015040026 武汉绿地中心工程地下室底板高分子自粘胶膜 防水卷材预铺反粘施工技术 李家洪,徐汉涛,邓邦 (中建三局第二建设工程有限贵任公司,湖北武汉430073) [摘要]高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材的预铺反粘施工技术优点明显,在国内建筑领域的应用日趋广泛.结合武汉绿 地中心工程地下室底板防水施工实例,通过充分利用材料特点,科学合理地应用该项技术,在工程实践中取得了良 好的社会和经济效益. [关键词]高层建筑:地下室;底板:高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材;预铺反粘;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU761.116 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)04-0026-02 Construction Technology of Polymers Self-adhesive Waterproofing Membrane with Pre-installed and Inverted Adhered Method in Wuhan Greenland Center Li Jiahong Xu Hantao Deng Bang The Second Construction Co.Ld.of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Wuhan Hubei 430073 China) Abstract:Because of obvious advantages of pre-installed and inverted adhered method the polymers self- adhesive waterproofing membrane is widely used in the field of domestic architecture.Combining with the construction practice of Wuhan Greenland Center project basement waterproofing by making full use of the material characteristics and using the technology rationally and scientifically pre-installed and inverted adhered method of polymers self-adhesive waterproofing membrane has been successful applied in the engineering with good social and economic benefits. Key words:tall buildings;basement;floor;polymers self-adhesive waterproofing membrane;pre- installed and inverted adhered;construction 1工程概况 1)行走施工性高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材耐 武汉绿地中心工程是目前华中地区施工的最候表面层作为卷材保护层的设计,可让人直接行 高建筑项目,工程总建筑面积711982m2 主塔楼建走、施工. 筑高度636m. 2)耐穿刺性卷材的高分子片材不仅是胶粘 武汉绿地中心工程基坑离长江边仅200m 开挖 层的载体,...