2014年9月上 施工技术 第43卷第17期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 21 D0I:10.7672/5j52014170021 武汉绿地中心超深超大基坑工程施工及安全控制分析 刘惠涛,吴贤国1,王震2 (1.华中科技大学土木工程与力学学院,湖北武汉430074; 2.中建三局第二建设工程有限责任公司.湖北武汉430074) [摘要]结合武汉绿地中心深基坑开挖工程实例,介绍了工程支护体系、开挖方案监测点的布置、开挖过程中监测 项目与所采用的监测预警值.根据工程实测结果,从支护结构内力、地下连续墙深层水平位移、地下水位及原有铁 路和长江大堤变形规律等方面,分析了基坑开挖本身的安全及对周边环境的影响.最后,探讨了保证基坑开挖安 全的工程措施. [关键词]深基坑;监测;环境影响;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)17-0021-05 The Construction Safety Control Analysis of Super-deep and Super-large Foundation Excavation for Wuhan Greenland Center Project Liu Huitao' Wu Xianguo' Wang Zhen (1.School of Civil Engineering Mechanics Huazhong Unitersity of Science Technology Wuhan Hubei 430074 China; 2.The Second Construction Co.Ltd.of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Wuhan Hubei 430074 China) Abstract:The engineering support system the arrangement of monitoring excavation scheme and the monitoring items with its warning value are introduced referring to the foundation excavation construction of Wuhan Greenland Center.Then the safety of the exeavation itself and influence on surrounding environment are analyzed in terms of the brace force deep diaphragm wall horizontal displacement underground water level and the original railway and the Yangtze River levee deformation law and so on. And the measures for safety of foundation excavation engineering are discussed at last. Key words:deep foundation excavation;monitoring;environmental effect;construction 1工程概况 1.2工程地质条件 1.1工程简介 根据勘察地质资料显示,项目所在地属...
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